Leaning Right

Punks Try Stealing from a Tennessee Perfume Store – Plan Falls Apart When Fed-Up Shoppers Hold the Line

Criminals have slowly gotten bolder and bolder about their crimes, moving away from the silent heists of the past and opting for grab-and-runs.

Unfortunately, despite their lack of stealth, many times these individuals never get challenged.

Some stores enforce policies where employees are ordered not to stop thieves for their own safety.

But that doesn’t mean every store is going to be an easy target. During a recent instance at a Tennessee outlet mall, shoppers rallied together in an attempt to hold a group of alleged thieves captive until police could arrive.

On June 1 at the Tanger Outlets in Antioch, Tennessee, four suspects entered a Perfumania wearing hoodies and face masks, intending to shoplift, according to The Tennessean.

While inside ransacking the store, bystanders began to stand in front of the door in an attempt to barricade the suspects inside of the establishment while they awaited a police response.

Much of the incident was captured by a TikToker who uses the handle “ptodropout,” who said she had been inside the store shopping with her son when the four arrived.

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