Gavin Newsom Signs Law Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Obtain California IDs

Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California… On Friday, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new bill that will make it possible for illegal immigrants to obtain state IDs into law.
The new law, AB 1766 mandates that “by no later than July 1, 2027,” the DMV must “issue a restricted identification card to an eligible applicant who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that their presence in the United States is authorized under federal law if they provide satisfactory proof of identity and California residency, as specified.”
Also, AB 1766 would forbid any government agency or department, law enforcement agency, business company, or another person from obtaining, accessing, utilizing, or disclosing, noncriminal background information stored by the department for the purpose of immigration enforcement.
“That means criminals who are illegally in the country might not be reported; it also means that despite California’s aggressive lockdown policies in the coronavirus pandemic, the state may not be allowed to provide information about illegal aliens to the federal government in future public health crises,” Breitbart reported.
Some of the new legislation bills that aimed toward
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