I have seen many stories, and several television news shows where the left continues to lie about the southern border and how former President Donald Trump worked with Republicans to shut down a Senate border ...
For decades, we’ve been led to believe that our schools are politically neutral and that kids are simply there to be educated. But test scores have shown that the quality of our children’s education is ...
Vice President Kamala Harris laid out her economic plan in a speech Aug. 16, which included a press for Big Government by putting a ban on price gouging for groceries and food, the cancelation of ...
A recent article in The Wall Street Journal cited new survey data to document a dramatic turnaround in the financial outlook of the millennial generation. The improvement, as with the reason millennials’ professional lives began ...
The only thing worse than a Big Tech company having a monopoly on the online advertising market would be for the same Big Tech company to join forces with the government to send money to ...
For many conservatives of the classical liberal stripe, former President Donald Trump’s selection of Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) as his running mate was somewhat of a watershed moment. Vance went from being a vocal Trump ...
As American foreign policy pivots toward the Indo-Pacific, a shift that would rightly accelerate should former President Donald Trump win in November, questions loom regarding how the United States might encourage its European partners to ...
The Republican National Convention was supposed to mark the transformation of Donald Trump from presumptive GOP nominee to official standard-bearer of the party. But it turned out the real transformation took place 48 hours before ...
Presidential fitness is a serious matter, and we in the media are not doing the American public any favors by speculating about what is going on with President Joe Biden, just as the White House ...
This is the headline you never saw: “Famine averted in Gaza; Israel and UN facilitate surge of humanitarian aid.” The news is true, anchored in data collected by the leading global authority on food shortages. But the ...