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Huffington Post Tells Biden Campaign To Openly Push Disinformation Using AI


In a bizarre op-ed, Huffington Post writer Kaivan Shroff suggested that the President Joe Biden and his campaign should consider using artificial intelligence to dupe the American people into voting for him.

Shroff began by noting that “the stakes” of the election “cannot be overstated” because the future of democracy “hangs in the balance,” rhetoric which, he assured the reader, “is not hyperbolic.”

.@HuffPost published an essay by a lefty nutter arguing that Biden’s campaign should deceive the public with AI videos (i.e. faked) of the president that make him speak well and look youthful.

Kaivan Shroff argues that the threat of Trump’s victory is so great that fake content… pic.twitter.com/do571SCDUH

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) July 4, 2024

It is “the greatest moral and ethical imperative for those who care about American democracy” to defeat former President Donald Trump, he opined.

As a result, the ends justified the means, even if that entailed continuing the campaign’s ongoing efforts to gaslight low-information voters into thinking Biden is fitter and healthier than he is, but with additional assistance from AI to more “effectively reach the voting public.”

It is not entirely clear that the campaign hasn’t already been relying on this tactic in what have appeared to be the president’s more lucid moments on camera.

While admitting that using AI to present a smoother, more well-spoken Biden could be deceptive, Shroff ultimately concluded that such deception would be worthwhile if it led to a Biden victory.

“We must ask the question, are

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