Overwhelmed Border Patrol releases terrorism suspect into U.S.: Federal audit

The Border Patrol caught a terrorism suspect at the southern border but was too overwhelmed by the surge of illegal immigrants to properly flag the person and instead released the person into the country, according to a new government audit.
Once Homeland Security realized the bungle and sent agents to arrest the suspect, it took them more than two weeks to mount the operation because officers were waiting for paperwork to reach them and then had trouble getting access to the GPS tracking device the migrant was wearing, the department’s inspector general said.
Investigators said Customs and Border Protection must fix the errors or else it “risks releasing individuals into the United States who potentially threaten national security and public safety.”
The issue is of particular importance given the surging number of terrorism suspects being nabbed as they jump the southern border.
Some 125 have been caught between Oct. 1 and May 31, shattering last year’s previous record of 96, with a few months still to go in the fiscal year.
During the period from 2017 to 2020, under President Trump, there were a combined 11 Border Patrol arrests along the southern border of migrants whose identities are
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