Joe Biden Commits ‘Gaffe’ of the Century, and Kamala Harris Has to Be Melting Down

If you at all suspect the headline of this piece is clickbait, stick around. Because it’s about to become apparent that it’s the least clickbait headline to ever be published on the internet. Believe that.
While President Joe Biden had his campaign calls canceled on Friday after his now-infamous “garbage” remark regarding Trump supporters, as is so often the case in politics, the story itself forced him back into the public eye. Had he stayed hidden the rest of the election cycle, it would have been an admission that he’s too senile and too much of a liability to even campaign for his own vice president.
The problem? He is too senile and too much of a liability, and that was on glorious, hilarious display on Saturday. Standing in front of an array of “Harris-Walz” signs, making the moment that much more perfect, Joseph Robinette Biden said and did the following. Buckle up.
The above is not a misquote. It is not taken out of context. The President of the United States actually said of Republicans, “These are the kind of guys you’d like to smack in the a**.” He then made the face pictured below.
As one person put it on social media, I’m not sure if Biden was threatening violence against Republicans or flirting with them. This is the absolute state of the United States right now, and it’s both unbelievably funny and absolutely terrifying. We have a president who is so mentally gone that he can’t stop himself from saying something that mindboggling and ripe for mockery. This guy has the nuclear codes.
What else is there to even say? We are currently being ruled by a man who wouldn’t be allowed to feed himself in a nursing home, and Kamala Harris is at the center of the cover-up. That should be big news, but it never will be for reasons no one needs me to explain.
Regardless, Harris has to be pulling her hair out, right? I’m not suggesting she’d be running a good campaign without Biden constantly stepping on rakes, but it would be better than this. Almost every day, he says something else that steals the news cycle, and not in a positive way. I’ve heard presidents say a lot of crazy things over the years, but never have I heard one say something like that.
Perhaps Biden should lay off the violent threats altogether if he can’t keep the homoeroticism in check. Just a suggestion.
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