Pelosi Kneecaps Kamala, Refuses to Say Harris Is the Right Person for the VP Job

Although the Democrats in this country seem hell-bent on destroying this country, ending the nuclear family, and chucking every basic traditional value out the window, there’s one thing we can usually agree is their strongpoint—their loyalty to each other. Their unity. While Republicans seem to splinter off into various clans and end up fighting each other as much as they battle the leftists, the Democrats manage to consistently put on a remarkably united front.
Which is why it’s extremely surprising to see former Speaker of the House and current Representative Nancy Pelosi sell her fellow California power player down the river. Asked twice pointedly Wednesday by CNN anchor Anderson Cooper whether she thought Vice President Kamala Harris was right for the job as President Biden’s #2, Pelosi gave the lukewarm (if not chilly) endorsement, “He [Biden] thinks so. And that’s what matters.”
Nice. Way to have her back, Nance.
You sure don’t need enemies if you have Nancy Pelosi in your corner.
As she sucked on her lips in that weird habit she has, the former speaker basically told Cooper that the office of the vice president is useless:
COOPER: Do you think she is the best running mate?
PELOSI: [Not answering the question:] She’s the vice president of the United States. Now people say to me, well, why isn’t she doing this or that. I said because she’s the vice president. That’s the job description.
[Grins like a Cheshire cat.] You don’t do that much. Mm-hmm, you know, you, you know?
What a ringing endorsement of her fellow breaker of the glass ceiling. Meanwhile, Pelosi the Principled recently announced her own campaign for her 20th consecutive House term—she’s been in office since Ronald Reagan was president—and revealed that she doesn’t exactly have a grand vision for the country; she just wants to stop Trump and raise oodles of cash.
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