Commentary: Dinosaur Nancy Pelosi Is Headed Out

Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro, Nancy Pelosi grew up in politics. She was the only daughter and youngest child of Thomas D’Alesandro, who was a Maryland Congressman and later Mayor of Baltimore.
Nancy was born before World War II. She’s only 18 years younger than the Lincoln Memorial. She was almost 21 when she attended the inauguration of John Kennedy. Although it seems like she’s been in Congress forever, she was first elected in 1988 – but once elected she never left. Four times she’s been elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives and now she is out of that constitutionally mandated and politically important position. Nancy Pelosi is no longer Speaker in January. Good riddance and goodbye. She will be 84 by the next election cycle and with the need for another facelift on the horizon, coupled with her losing her memory and speaking skills, it appears she finished with her run in Congress. Her relevancy is over. Nancy and will leave Washington DC for parts unknown. The “good Catholic” who endorses wholesale abortion and impeached a president twice, mostly out of spite — she would have impeached Trump three times if she could have.
Little known to the general public, Pelosi read a portion of the redacted Mueller Report and settled on a couple of paragraphs. The report, written by Mueller’s hand-picked political hacks, suggested that a Trump answer of “I don’t recall” regarding a phone call with Roger Stone was not truthful. Nancy bird-dogged on that section of a non-public portion of the report and thought she had Trump. Her reading was that Trump had perjured himself.
Pelosi turned to Aaron Hiller, a lawyer working for the Democrats on the judiciary committee, and asked if she could impeach Trump over that perjury “implication.” The Democrats were, at the time, looking at anything and everything to get Trump. They didn’t bring articles of impeachment for that, likely because a moment of sanity reined them in. Had they, that would have been the first of three Trump impeachments. Politicians are fond of saying “let’s be clear,” so let’s be clear – Trump, for all his faults, was pilloried and his presidency ruined because of Pelosi and her cabal of bad faith actors like Nadler and Adam Schiff.
Nancy will be a bad memory soon. She and Biden were always neck and neck for the most bald-faced lies and made-up nonsense, so it was with great delight that I watched the Republicans finally take the majority and with it, control of the House and the gavel out of her liver-spotted hands.
We no longer have to watch Nancy do her seal clap when Biden gives his final two State of the Union addresses.
Sure, the Republicans have their share of dinosaurs – Mitch McConnell needs to go the way of the Jurassic period, but Nancy Pelosi is just plain awful. I know, it’s inappropriate to say that. I’m not allowed to say that Nancy is an evil witch. I’m not supposed to make jokes or draw cartoons about her because her husband got hammered. I mean actually hammered not when he was hammered and driving with another person that no one has identified. In any event, Nancy will be gone soon, so I need to get my Nancy ‘toons drawn and my jokes written while she is still Speaker and a thorn in the side of truth and democracy.
She’s just another Dino, headed to the exit out of DC. Liz Cheney isn’t far behind.
Buh-bye, Nancy
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