Media Corruption On Full Display As NYT Tries To Justify Publishing Terrorist Propaganda As News

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Corrupt corporate media outlets like The New York Times scrambled on Thursday to justify their role in disseminating terrorist talking points to the world without scrutiny.
“After Hospital Blast, Headlines Shift With Changing Claims,” one of the outlet’s Thursday headlines reads.
NYT acknowledges that it was one of the “many Western news organizations” that regurgitated the unsubstantiated lie (sourced directly from the Hamas-controlled Gaza strip) that Israel killed hundreds by bombing a Gaza hospital.
Even though there was plenty of evidence absolving the Jewish state of the alleged war crime, the publication made no effort to issue retractions, print corrections, or even apologize for its role in the American press’s collective amplification of the propaganda.
Instead, NYT blames its feckless participation in the rumor mill — that incited violence against European and American embassies across the globe — on “fast-moving events” and “the difficulty of covering the war.”
NYT’s original coverage of the so-called blast, which was the result of a misfired jihadist rocket that landed in a parking lot near the hospital, featured a photo of a destroyed building that had nothing to do with the hospital in question.
When evidence mounted that jihadis, not Israel, were responsible for the destruction, both of which were far less than what original reports suggested, NYT covertly modified its original headline at least three times in an attempt to cover up its reckless role in the information war.
By Thursday, the feature image on the Times’ breaking news article pinning blame on Israel was replaced with a nondescript photo of a Middle Eastern man being transported into an intact medical facility on a gurney.
NYT further tried to absolve itself of accountability by noting that it sent
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