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Taxpayer Costs Skyrocket As Two-Thirds Of Jobless Benefit Recipients In Germany Are Migrants


Taxpayer Costs Skyrocket As Two-Thirds Of Jobless Benefit Recipients In Germany Are Migrants

Authored by Thomas Brooke via ReMix News,

Nearly two-thirds of German residents receiving unemployment benefits have a migration background, new figures from the Federal Employment Agency have revealed.

The statistics published by the federal agency and cited by the Die Welt broadsheet showed that 63.1 percent of those in receipt of the so-called citizen’s income, or “Bürgergeld,” are of migrant origin, and “most do not have a German passport.”

The German newspaper explained that while employment figures are increasing year-over-year, “because the Federal Republic has long allowed very high immigration of low-skilled people, the number of migrants who are unemployed and receiving social benefits is also increasing.”

The figures define “migration background” as anyone who themselves or whose parents were born without German citizenship, i.e., first- and second-generation migrants.

Of the 3.93 million people eligible for the taxpayer-funded benefit as of December 2023, some 2.48 million were classed as being of a migration background, with 1.83 million recipients not having German citizenship.

The percentage varies considerably among the federal states. In Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, and Hamburg, more than 7 in 10 of all recipients are migrants at 76.4 percent, 74.1 percent, and 72.8 percent, respectively.

There exists a strong correlation between the rise in the migrant population and the percentage of welfare benefits going to migrants, giving weight to the argument that mass immigration of low-skilled workers is not a net benefit to Europe’s largest economy.

In 2013, the percentage of the German population with a migration background was 20 percent, with 43 percent of benefit recipients being migrants. Today, 29 percent of the German population are foreign-born and 63 percent of unemployment benefits are

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